HTML Formatting


Type this code:
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2>Heading 2 </h2>
<h3>Heading 3 </h3>
<h4>Heading 4 </h4>
<h5>Heading 5 </h5>
<h6>Heading 6 </h6>

Result is:

Big and Small

These tags are used for word or sentence big or small
Type this code:

<big>This text is Big</big>
<Small>This text is Small</Small>

Result is:
This text is Big
This text is Small

Line Breaks

In poetry or paragraph when we want to break line.
Type this code:

<p>hello friends<br />what are you doing</p>
Result is:

hello friends
what are you doing


Italic a word or sentence in web ducoment.
Type this code:
<i>This text is italicized.</i>

Result is:

This text is italicized.


we want blod a word or sentence in web ducoment.
Type this code:
<b>this text is bold.</b>

Result is:

this text is bold.

Horizontal Rule

Type this code:
Here's a horizontal rule ...<hr/> ...that was a horizontal rule :

Result is:
Here's a horizontal rule ...

...that was a horizontal rule :

Ordered (numbered) List

Type this code:

<li>List item 1</li>
<li>List item 2</li>
<li>List item 3</li>

Result is:
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3


Type this code:
<em>Emphasized text</em>

Result is:
Emphasized text


Type this code:
<strong>Strong text</strong>

Result is:

Strong text

Computer code

Type this code:
<code>Computer code text</code>

Result is:

Computer code text

Sample computer code

Type this code:
<samp>Sample computer code text</samp>

Result is:

Sample computer code text


Type this code:
<kbd>Keyboard text</kbd>

Result is:

Keyboard text


Type this code:
<var> vf=vi+at </var>

Result is:


Super Scripts And Sub Scripts

Type this code
x<Sup>5</sup> =10 <br>
H<sub>2</sub> O

Result is:

x5 =10
H2 O


Type this code

Result is:



for use test scrolling
Type this code:
<marquee>for use test scrolling in page</marquee>

Result is:

for use test scrolling in page

Marquee Atributes

Atributes Its Atributes Description
Align Right,Left,Middle,Bottom,
Absmiddle, Absbottom,
For set text align
Behavior slide,alternate,scroll scrolling behavior
Bgcolor red,blue etc set background color
Direction Down,left, right.up
height for set height
loop -1 for controll text scrolling
scrolldelay scrolldelay="400" for delay text in millisecond in each step

Formating Atributes

Tags Description
<Sup> when we need write mathametical or scientific equation. we use Super Scripts.
<Sub> when we need write mathametical or scientific equation
<Pre> by this tag you display your text as you write.
<Font> change your text color size etc.
<Base font> by this tag you can change your webpage text default size "3"and set font other.
<em> by use of Emphasized tag we can italic text.
<strong> strong tag make text bold
<adress> for give home,office and E-mail adress your test look italic
<cite> Citation for give reference or subject
<code> this tag is for gave Computer code of a programe
<kbd> this tag is for told user how can use command on computer.
<samp> Sample computer code for gave exmple
<var> for show variables
<dfn> for Definition
<marquee> for use test scrolling in page


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